Mental Health

Sometimes, life can be difficult and very few people get through it without experiencing some kind of personal tragedy or hardship this can be both mental and physical. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  It also helps determine how we handle stress.

Mental health is very important at all stages of life. Reaching out for help is sometimes the hardest part especially when you don’t feel comfortable speaking to a co-worker or a leader in your branch or office. There are many resources that can help you through a difficult time, and one place you can start is with the Employee Assistance Program at

Remember – it’s you, it’s me, it’s all of us that mental health affects, so don’t let it go unchecked. Reach out for help. The Employee Assistance Program is a great outlet for our family of co-workers here at Rollins and their families at home.

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At Rollins, we consider ourselves a family of coworkers. When one family member suffers a catastrophe, we all want to pitch in to help. It’s been part of our culture for decades. That is the reason for the Rollins Employee Relief Fund.